Friday, December 10, 2010

How to Change Favo Icon on Blogger Update

Many of you see when a website or blogg in box address / address box on the browser there are small images such as logos, that little logo called a Favicon, probably from the origin of the word favorite icon: D

Already many of which provide tutorials and step by step of changing the favicon could see, among others:), well to complete the following ways to change the default on blogspot Favicon

1. Make sure you've uploaded an image may be a jpeg or PNG, not necessarily the format icon (*. ico). Please upload to your favorite sites such as,, google account, and others. Do not forget to copy the link url of your uploaded images

 2. Log into your account login blogger => Dashboard => Select Blog => Design => edit HTML
   - Make sure you backup your blog template, if there is something you can restore back:)

3. Edit Link picture you want to make like the following Favicon

4. Put the code / edited link between the bracketed code ..... , Press Ctrl F to facilitate the location of the above tag quest

 5. Click Preview to see the changes, if you are already Favicon has changed then press the Save template. Congratulations you've changed bloggers Favicon

Note: If you're having the time Preview favicon has changed but after save templates, favicon back into shape (blogger default)

Try searching the following code snippet and please delete

Good luck hopefully help ..

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